Ht/Wt 6’9’’, 205 lbs
Experience 11 years
Debut Feb 5, 2005
Born Dec 2, 1985 (39 yrs) Los Angeles, California
Drafted Drafted by Miami in 2004 (1/19).
High School South Kent Prep (Conn.)
Transactions & Injuries
Date Description
2017-10-03 Signed with KK Igokea (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
2016-10-12 Waived by the Los Angeles Clippers.
2016-09-26 Signed as an unrestricted free agent by the Los Angeles Clippers.
2016-04-12 Signed as a free agent by the Miami Heat.
2015-08-17 Signed with Chongqing Soaring Dragons (China).
Career Honors & Awards
League Honor Description
NBA Member of NBA Championship Team Member of NBA Championship Team 2005-06