Ht/Wt 6’3’’, 248 lbs
Experience 12 years
Debut Sep 9, 2012
Born Nov 1, 1987 (37 yrs) Atlanta, Georgia
Hometown Atlanta, Georgia
Drafted Drafted by Seattle in 2012 (1/15).
College West Virginia
Transactions & Injuries
Date Description
2024-03-13 Declared free agent.
2024-01-09 Signed as a free agent by the Miami Dolphins.
2024-01-03 Released by the Detroit Lions from the practice squad.
2023-12-31 Reverted back to the Detroit Lions practice squad.
2023-12-30 Activated from the practice squad by the Detroit Lions.
Career Honors & Awards
League Honor Description
NFL Super Bowl Super Bowl 2013 (XLVIII - Seattle)