Ht/Wt 6’5’’, 255 lbs
Experience 10 years
Debut Sep 7, 2014
Born Mar 18, 1992 (32 yrs) South Bend, Indiana
Hometown San Pedro, California
Drafted Drafted by Minnesota in 2014 (1/9).
College UCLA
Transactions & Injuries
Date Description
2024-03-13 Declared free agent.
2023-12-29 Signed by the Minnesota Vikings from the practice squad.
2023-11-28 Reverted back to the Minnesota Vikings practice squad.
2023-11-27 Activated from the practice squad by the Minnesota Vikings.
2023-11-20 Reverted back to the Minnesota Vikings practice squad.
Career Honors & Awards
League Honor Description
NFL Named to play in Pro Bowl Named to play in Pro Bowl 2018, 2017
NCAA Lott Trophy Top defensive IMPACT player of the year 2013