Ht/Wt 6’3’’, 234 lbs
Experience 4 years
Debut Sep 13, 2009
Born Jan 24, 1987 (37 yrs) Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Hometown Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Drafted Drafted by NY Giants in 2009 (3/100).
College Wisconsin
Transactions & Injuries
Date Description
2014-08-25 Released by the New Orleans Saints.
2014-08-13 Signed as a free agent by the New Orleans Saints to a one-year contract.
2014-05-19 Released by the Seattle Seahawks.
2014-02-10 Signed as a free agent by the Seattle Seahawks.
2012-12-26 Knee injury, injured reserve.
Career Honors & Awards
League Honor Description
NFL Super Bowl Super Bowl 2011 (XLVI - New York Giants)